If you or a loved one has recently been admitted to the hospital and will be needing continued short term therapy and nursing care, you may qualify for admission to Crestwood. Insurance eligibility regulations require a physician to evaluate each patient prior to admission in order to determine individual need for nursing care and rehabilitation. In a hospital setting social workers will coordinate discharge planning with the admitting care center. Each insurance plan has different requirements. Call your insurance provider to inquire whether there are specific eligibility requirements in your plan.
Crestwood also offers a number of long term and Medicaid approved beds. If you would like to inquire about availability for short-term or long term care, please call our admissions office at 801.627.2273.
What we need to review for a potential admit:
History and Physical (within the last 30 days)
Doctor's Order to Admit to Facility
Current List of Medications
PASRR (Preadmission Screening and Resident Review)